Hey everyone I'm happy to finally be able to share some exciting info! Sadly, we've had major delays in getting the networking fitted which has pushed everything back a lot later than we expected. But with that said, we are going to have some INSANE internet with a private fibre line so we can all enjoy the lowest ping possible. We really didn't want to settle for anything other than the best, I know the pain of random ping spikes all too well ;-;

Here is the timeline we are hoping to achieve over the next few months until our grand opening:

------SOON (1-3 weeks)------

DEXX CAFE will be on Ubereats!

We will be selling all items from our menu, including DEXX themed food and drink

Weekly merch giveaways with orders! (Make sure to show it off on insta)

Battles between menu items, have your say in what goes on our menu <3

------Q1 2024 (Feb-March)------

DEXX CAFE will open our doors to the public, sadly without PC's to use due to networking.

We will have board games to use free of charge (provided you buy a drink ofc )

Merch in store to check out!

Small offline events such as ARAM, Valorant, and CSGO 1v1's, game quiz nights, fighting game tournaments, game+anime music karaoke and more (be sure to leave your suggestions in ⁠suggestions)

------Q2 2024 (April-June)------

Our grand opening at last!

Kitted out with high-end gaming PC's, monitors and peripherals

Full diskless boot, no need to waste time downloading

Insane network with low ping, and crazy download speeds

Desk service bringing food/drinks straight to your PC

Furthermore, due to the delays we will be extending the purchase window of the founders hoodie until our grand opening in Q2. Anyone with a founders hoodie will have free access to the small offline events, as well as all future events/tournaments we plan to run in the future, along with the exclusive discord role!




print("Hello World!")